Why we provide care packages to cancer patients
According to the American Cancer Society, more than 1.7 million people are diagnosed with cancer every year.
That’s approximately:
- 158,333 new cases every month
- 5,205 new cases every day
- 4 new cases every minute!
Help us care for and encourage people fighting cancer to let them know – “You Are Not Alone” (YANA).
With Your Contributions We Have Been Able to Help Over 10,000 Cancer Patients TO DATE!!
A majority of cancer patients receive chemotherapy and radiation therapy in hospitals and cancer treatment centers around the world. Most of our oncology centers distribute our care packages to new patients when they come in for orientation before treatment. Sign up below if you’d like to hand out care packages to your cancer patients to give them faith, hope and love. Some treatment centers even hand-tie the blankets for care packages onsite!
We’ll bring our blanket making event to you!
Engage employees – have fun – provide comfort to cancer patients
Sponsoring/hosting a blanket making event can be a great team building activity for your employees. We’ve had compassionate corporations like Applied Medical, Intel, Ingram Micro, Starbucks and Wells Fargo sponsor and/or host events to make blankets for cancer patients. We can send blanket-making material to all 50 states. Care packages can be given to local cancer treatments centers or hospitals of your choice. Your business, large or small, can make a difference for cancer patients through corporate giving.
Looking to host a service project at your church?
Sponsoring/hosting a blanket-making event is a great way to offer your church members a service project that truly impacts the lives of others in a meaningful way. The entire church can get involved in providing faith, hope and love to cancer patients. Gain awareness for your cancer support group at the church or take this opportunity to start a new one. Blanket-tying events are fun; they help strengthen a sense of community as people work together on a common goal—with old friends or new ones!
Including professional, social, youth and support groups
Community groups of any size, age or focus can participate in hand-tying blankets for cancer patients. All groups including scouts, high schools, and rotary clubs are welcome to hand-tie blankets.
Girl Scouts can earn their Bronze or Silver Community Service badge by organizing and participating in a YANA Cancer Comfort blanket-tying event. They can make blankets for kids or for adults.
The care packages, which include the no-sew fleece blankets, can be delivered locally to a cancer treatment center, hospital oncology center or cancer support group of the community group’s choice